Focus on the Tasks That Matter | Causalytics
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Align daily client operations with your agency's goals

Causalytics audits all your clients' Google Ads accounts daily, prioritising tasks in your specialists' to-do lists.

Causalytics in numbers

Accounts monitored


Accounts monitored


Accounts monitored


Three reasons to try it out

Complete audits of your clients' Google Ads accounts every day

Causalytics audits all of your Google Ads accounts every day checking 40 different metrics.


The tests that fail produce alerts that become tasks in your specialists' to-do lists.

Prioritised to-do lists for every specialist

Based on the agency's priorities Causalytics creates to-do lists for each specialist, where the task are sorted by importance.

The sorting criteria is customisable by:

  • task type

  • problem severity

  • client importance

  • any Google Ads metric 

Track how you progress towards your goals

Define the goals you want to reach as a company and the KPIs affecting them.

Also get a high level overview of all your clients' Google Ads accounts.


Get started in 2 minutes

Just connect your Google Ads accounts and get immediate results. 

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